River Island Maxi Shirt

Can’t believe I’ve only worn this River Island maxi shirt one other time since I bought it last summer. It deserves a bit more attention, don’t you think? I decided to take it from summer to winter with a women’s leather jacket, ripped jeans, and my favorite booties. You can see my summer look for…

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Stopping Time

Do you ever feel like you are running 100 mph and all you want to do is sit down for a while? Lately, that’s how I feel.  I told myself I would not let this year escape me the way 2015 did. Every day I feel like I am tightly gripping on to the day…

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10 Secrets About Me

  Happy Wednesday! Today I thought I would share a bit about me. I was inspired Chronicles of Frivolity’s secret sharing to share 10 secrets about myself. And since 2016 is the year I have decided to be more open about my life and myself, here it goes… but first… Shop my Look:  vest: Zara…

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