The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day

The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura LilyThe Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily
The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily
The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily

The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily
The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily
The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura Lily
The Best Daily Morning Routine to Start Your Day featured by popular Lifestyle Influencer Laura LilyAfter traveling non-stop to Paris, Nashville, Palm Springs, and New York City, it is so nice to come home to my daily morning routine. I don’t know about you, but I work best with a consistent routine. It helps me to feel less scatterbrained and more organized. It’s taken me a bit of time to perfect my morning routine since going full-time last year. But alas, I have it down to a science now.. get ready for the best daily morning routine to start your day!


Each morning I wake up around 7 am-7:30 am. I use the Sleep Cycle App. No more annoying alarm clocks! The Sleep Cycle uses sound analysis to identify sleep states by tracking your movements while you are in bed. Sleep Cycle uses a wake-up phase that ends at your desired alarm time. During this phase, Sleep Cycle will monitor signals from your body to wake you softly, when you are in the lightest possible sleep state. I am not really a morning person, but I’ve had such an easier time waking up since using this app.

Once I can open both eyes comfortably, I try to do a 10-minute meditation cycle to get my mind ready for the day. I used to get anxious and feel overwhelmed the moment I woke up. Committing to 10 minutes of meditation a day helps me focus and lessen the amount of anxiety I feel. I recommend either the app Calm or Headspace. Just keep in mind that medication takes practice, but it does get easier over time. Just start small with 5 to 10 minutes a day and increase from there.

After I’ve allowed my body to wake up I like to make either a hot cup of tea with lemon to jumpstart my metabolism or a Golden Milk Latte.

Once I learned about the benefits of tumeric lattes  I started drinking them once or twice a day. Benefits include:

  • Helps build immunity
  • Gives relieve from a cough and cold
  • It is a good remedy for digestive problems
  • It is a liver tonic
  • It is an excellent blood purifier
  • Clarifies the skin
  • Gives relief from autoimmune diseases

I didn’t like the online recipes for golden milk recipes so I ended up making my own:

  • 1/4 teaspoon golden milk
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Place in a milk frother whisk, pour and enjoy! The Nespresso milk frother I use isn’t cheap, but it’s worth the investment. If anyone has a less expensive version that works well please let me know!

While I am making my golden milk latte I take this vitamin c packet which uses a Liposomal Encapsulation Technology designed to help your body absorb more Vitamin C. It also forces me to get in at least one glass of water first thing int he morning.

As soon as I have my latte in hand, I sit at my desk and start flagging important emails. I usually make a to-do list of the top 5 things I have to get done that day on a little notepad. I’ve heard that being able to physically check off an item on a to-do list gives us a sense of accomplishment.

I try to respond to any pressing emails, deadlines, paid collaborations first thing in the morning and flag other emails I need to attend to for a later time that day. Funny fact about me: I cannot stand to have unread emails. Each email that comes into my mailbox is either immediately read. From there it is either responded to, flagged for later, or deleted.

After about an hour of emails, I get to work promoting my latest blog post on my various social media channels. I love to use Hootsuite to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts and Tailwind for Instagram and Pinterest. When it comes to content creation, my goal is to spend 20% of my time creating it and 80% marketing. It’s a hard practice to follow, but I am getting better at it.

Jenna Kutcher, the marketing guru behind one of my favorite Podcasts called ” The Goaldigger Podcast,” recommends batch editing your tasks which means lumping tasks together to increase productivity. For example, I’ll set one-time slot aside to write all my blog posts, another to edit photos, and another to categorize expenses. It helps keep me focused on one task at a time. I don’t know about you but I get so distracted if I don’t do this.

Then around noon three times a week, I head out to meet with my fitness trainer. She kicks my butt for an hour or so, but it’s a nice break to get out of the house, release tension and focus on something else other than work for a bit.

There you have it! My recommendation for the best morning routine to start your day! What are some things you like to do first thing in the morning to start off your day, as part of your daily morning routine?

Thank you for stopping by!




 // TJMAXX top //  MOTT + BOW Jeans //

Photos by Taylor Schroeder

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